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Get Involved 

If you're looking for a great way to make new friends, develop your skills and build your resume, this is just for you! There are many ways to get involved at ERC, including student organizations, many leadership opportunities, and student staff positions. Check out all the opportunities you have here as an ERC student!

Organizations and Committees

There is always something to do around ERC and there are many ways to get involved!

  • Student Council of ERC (SCERC)
  • Ellie's Garden 
  • Eleanor's Transfers and Commuters (ETC)
  • Planning Events at Roosevelt College (PERC)
  • Queers and Allies of ERC (QUERC)
  • Welcome Week Committee
  • Spirit Week Committee
  • International Women's Week Committee
  • Rock 'n Roosevelt Committee
  • Senior Committee


Many students choose to get involved in one of our many student organizations. Student organizations are a great way to meet new friends, develop relationships with college staff members and gain great leadership experience!

Orientation Leaders

2019 OLs Every newstudent at Eleanor Roosevelt College is greeted by a fun and outgoing current ERC student who's ready to help them find their way around campus and get acquainted with their new life as an ERC student. By becoming an Orientation Leader, you'll have the opportunity to develop relationships with staff members, gain great leadership experience and form new friendships with your orientation team. The application opens mid-Fall Quarter. For more information, visit the ERC Orientation Application site.

Resident Advisors

Resident Advisors are student staff members that are essential to the ERC community for students living on campus. Resident Advisors serve in one of three areas on the ERC campus: International House, apartments and residence halls. Resident Advisors are responsible for the safety and well-being of their residents and provide their students with social and educational programs throughout the year. The application process begins early Winter Quarter. For more information about Residence Life and how to become a Resident Advisor, contact the Residence Life Office at (858) 534-2261.  

Student Council of ERC (SCERC)

 ERC’s student government—developing world citizens through scholarship, leadership, and service 


Click here to visit the SCERC Page 🌐

View full list of our student organizations and meeting times