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First-Gen at ERC

What is a First Generation student?

First-generation students come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. First-generation students are defined by UC San Diego and the University of California Office of the President as students with neither parent or caregiver having a four-year college degree. However, many students may consider themselves first-generation beyond the bounds of this definition, based on their unique backgrounds. 


ERC's First-Generation Committee

Eleanor Roosevelt College's First-Generation Committee works to develop programs, resources, and events in an effort to support first-generation student success at ERC and UC San Diego. We are a collaboration between several ERC departments including Student Affairs, Residence Life, and Academic Advising, and have both students and staff with first-gen backgrounds on our committee.

First Generation Student Resources

UC San Diego has many resources for first-generation students that can be found by clicking here.

The University of California has further resources that can be found here.

Check out our Campus Resources Directory Guide, to find links to important resources from the Teaching and Learning Commons, MMW, the Library, the Basic Needs Center, OASIS, the Office for Students with Disabilities, Counseling and Psychological Services, the Zone, and ERC Academic Advising. These links include tutoring and academic resources, access to wellness resources, and more!

First-Generation ERC Staff


  • Julie Nguyen, Senior Academic Advisor
  • Ivette Bautista, Senior Academic Advisor
  • Lydia Ramirez, Senior Academic Advisor
  • Ivonne Avila, Senior Academic Advisor
  • Thalia Roman, Academic Advisor

Student Affairs

  • Will Songer, Senior New Student Programs Specialist

Residence Life

  • Rey Guerrero, Director of Residence Life & Associate Dean of Student Affairs
  • Melissa Diaz, Assistant Director of Residence Life
All programs in Eleanor Roosevelt College, in accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, do not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories