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Videos & Webinars for New Transfers

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Academic Overview for Transfers

Test Scores and Transfer Coursework

Academic Rules, Regulations, and Technical Elements


ERC Intro to Academics for Transfers Webinar (2024)
YouTube Link

For written transcripts of this video with linked resources (.pdf):
Intro to Academics for Transfers Transcript & Links (to be updated)

ERC Degree Audit (How-To Guide) for Transfers Webinar (2024)
YouTube Link

For written transcripts of this video with linked resources (.pdf):
Degree Audit (How-To Guide) for Transfers Webinar Transcript & Links (to be updated)

ERC Enrollment Guidance for Transfers Webinar (2024)
YouTube Link (Coming in August)

For written transcripts of this video with linked resources (.pdf):
Enrollment Guidance for Transfers Transcription & Links (coming soon)

Webinar FAQs

Visit our New Transfer Academic FAQs page.

Useful Links