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Repeating Courses

  • Consider the pros and cons of repeating courses carefully before doing so. You should only repeat a course if you are totally confident that you can improve your grade.
  • You may only repeat grades of “D” “F” and “NP”.
  • You may repeat a maximum of 16 units.
  • The original grade earned remains on the transcript, but will not factor into your GPA if it is successfully repeated later.
  • If a student exceeds 16 units of repeat coursework, future repeated course grades will be averaged together.
  • If you receive a “D”, “F”, or ”W” in a sequential course, DO NOT enroll in the subsequent course. You must successfully repeat the first course in order to continue in the sequence. NOTE: This is NOT true of MMW; you may continue in the sequence and re-take MMW 11 at a later date. A “D” grade is considered passing and will complete the requirement.

Repeating “F” grades

When a grade of “F” is earned, no units or grade points are earned.

Repeating “D” grades

When “D” grades are earned, both units and grade points are earned and used in GPA calculations. When “D” grades are repeated, no new units are earned. If repeating a “D” grade results in a higher grade, additional grade points will be used to calculate GPA. Remember, a grade of “D” earned some grade points, so when it is repeated, the student receives only the additional grade points needed for the combined grade points to reflect the grade earned on repetition.


When applying to law and most medical schools, all repeated course grades are counted into the overall GPA (both the original grade and the repeated grade.)