AP Chart/IB Chart
Eleanor Roosevelt College does not have general education requirements to which all AP or IB scores can be applied. As shown under UCSD Course Exemptions, Advanced Placement scores and International Baccalaureate scores can earn elective or prerequisite credit toward some majors and toward graduation requirements. Credit and placement listed is based on 2023-2024 exams. Subject to change.
Please read "Application of AP Credits and IB Units" prior to reviewing charts to understand how to interpret exam scores and credits.
- Students who receive AP or IB credit will not receive credit for an equivalent UCSD course.
- The university grants up to a maximum of 8 units for higher level IB exams and up to 30 units of an IB diploma.
- Some AP exams are the same subject areas as IB exams. Those are marked in red and students will not receive credit for the same subject areas.
Still need to send your scores? See instructions on how to submit to UC San Diego.
Application of AP Credits and IB Units
Application of Advanced Placement (AP) Credits
The University of California grants credit for most College Board Advanced Placement Tests (AP) on which a student scores 3 or higher. The credit may be subject credit for use on a minor or prerequisite to a major, or credit toward general-education requirements or elective units toward graduation. A student cannot receive credit for a UC San Diego course that duplicates AP credit. Where the chart says “exempt” or “equal to a UC San Diego course number,” that course may not be taken for credit. Students should be advised that college courses taken before or after attending UC may duplicate AP examinations. Additionally, exams may duplicate each other (for example, an AP or IB exam in the same subject area*). If the student does duplicate an exam with another exam of the same subject content, and/or an exam with a college course, we will award credit only once.
Application of International Baccalaureate (IB) Units
Only Higher Level Exams are accepted for credit by the University of California; Standard Level Exams are not given credit. Score of 6 or 7 on Standard Level English A exam meets UC Entry Level Writing requirement but no unit credit is granted. The University of California grants 8 quarter units of credit for all International Baccalaureate Higher Level exams on which a student scores 5 or higher and 6 quarter units of credit for the IB Diploma where a student earns a score of 30 or more. For IB exams not listed here, consult an academic adviser. Students should be advised that college courses taken before or after attending UC may duplicate IB examinations. Additionally, exams may duplicate each other (for example, an AP or IB exam in the same subject area*). If the student does duplicate an exam with another exam of the same subject content, and/or an exam with a college course, we will award credit only once. Students should be advised that college courses taken before or after attending UC may duplicate IB examinations.
The University grants up to a maximum of 38 quarter unit credits for higher-level International Baccalaureate (IB) exams.
AP African American Studies
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
African American Studies |
3, 4, 5 |
4 |
Elective Credit Only |
May apply as one lower division course to Regional Specialization: Multiculturalism in North America |
IB Anthropology
IB Anthropology
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Anthropology |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
ANTH 1 |
Elective Credit Only |
AP Art (Studio)/IB Visual Art
AP Art (Studio)
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Drawing Portfolio |
3, 4, 5 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
Meets Fine Arts Requirement |
2D Portfolio |
3, 4, 5 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
Meets Fine Arts Requirement |
3D Portfolio |
3, 4, 5 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
Meets Fine Arts Requirement |
(8-unit max. for all tests) Note: same subject area as IB Visual Art |
IB Visual Arts
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Visual Arts |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
Meets Fine Arts Requirement |
Note: same subject area as AP Art (Studio) |
AP Art History
AP Art History
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Art History |
3, 4, 5 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
Meets Fine Arts requirement |
AP/IB Biology
AP Biology
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Biology |
3 |
8 |
BILD 10; may take BILD 1, 2, 3 for credit |
Meets two-course requirement in Natural Science |
4 or 5 |
8 |
BILD 1, 2, 3 |
Meets two-course requirement in Natural Science | |
Note: same subject area as IB Biology |
IB Biology
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Biology |
5 |
8 |
BILD 10 |
Meets two-course requirement in Natural Science |
6 or 7 |
8 |
BILD 1, 2, 3 |
Meets two-course requirement in Natural Science | |
Note: same subject area as AP Biology |
IB Business and Management
IB Business and Management
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Business and Management |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
Elective Credit Only |
AP Calculus/IB Mathematics
AP Calculus
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
AB Calculus |
3 | 4 |
MATH 10A |
Meets one of two courses required in Quantitative/Formal Skills |
4 or 5 | 4 | MATH 10A or 20A |
Meets one of two courses required in Quantitative/Formal Skills |
BC Calculus | 3 | 8 |
MATH 20A or 10A, 10B |
Meets two-course requirement in Quantitative/Formal Skills |
4 or 5 | 8 |
MATH 20A, 20B or 10A, 10B |
Meets two-course requirement in Quantitative/Formal Skills |
(8-unit max. for both tests) Note: same subject area as IB Mathematics |
IB Mathematics
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Mathematics: Analyses and Approaches |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
MATH 20A and MATH 10B |
Meets two-course requirement in Quantitative/Formal Skills |
(Mathematics: Applications and Interpretations exam is NOT transferable.) Note: same subject area as AP Calculus |
AP/IB Chemistry
AP Chemistry
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Chemistry |
3 |
8 |
CHEM 4 |
Meets two-course requirement in Natural Science |
4 |
8 |
Meets two-course requirement in Natural Science | |
5 |
8 |
CHEM 4; CHEM 6A, 6B, 6C (CHEM 6AH, 6BH, 6CH encouraged for those continuing in chemistry or for professional school). |
Meets two-course requirement in Natural Science | |
Note: same subject area as IB Chemistry |
IB Chemistry
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Chemistry |
5 |
8 |
Meets two-course requirement in Natural Science |
6 |
8 |
CHEM 6A and 6C |
Meets two-course requirement in Natural Science | |
7 |
8 |
CHEM 6A, 6B, and 6C |
Meets two-course requirement in Natural Science | |
Note: same subject area as AP Chemistry |
AP/IB Computer Science
AP Computer Science
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
A (Java Programming)
3 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
Meets two-course requirement in Quantitative/Formal Skills |
4 or 5 |
8 |
CSE 8A; should take CSE 11 |
Computer Science Principles |
3 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
Meets two-course requirement in Quantitative/Formal Skills |
4 or 5 |
8 |
CSE 3 |
Note: same subject area as IB Computer Science |
IB Computer Science
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Computer Science |
5 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
Meets two-course requirement in Quantitative/Formal Skills |
6, 7 |
8 |
CSE 3 |
Meets two-course requirement in Quantitative/Formal Skills | |
Note: same subject area as AP Computer Science |
IB Dance
IB Dance
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Dance |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
Meets Fine Arts Requirement |
AP/IB Economics
AP Economics
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Microeconomics |
3 or 4 |
4 |
Elective Credit Only |
4 units of elective credit |
5 |
4 |
ECON 1 |
4 units of elective credit |
Macroeconomics |
3 or 4 |
4 |
Elective Credit Only |
4 units of elective credit |
5 |
4 |
ECON 3 |
4 units of elective credit |
Note: same subject area as IB Economics |
IB Economics
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Economics |
5 or 6 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
8 units of elective credit |
7 |
8 |
ECON 1 and ECON 3 |
8 units of elective credit | |
Note: same subject area as AP Economics (both microeconomics & macroeconomics) |
AP English/IB English A
AP English
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Composition and Lit. |
3, 4, 5 |
8 |
Meets Entry Level Writing Reqt (ELWR) |
8 units of elective credit |
Language and Comp |
3, 4, 5 |
8 |
Meets Entry Level Writing Reqt (ELWR) |
8 units of elective credit |
(8-unit max. for both tests) Note: same subject area as IB English A |
IB English A
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Higher Level |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
Meets Entry Level Writing Reqt (ELWR) |
8 units of elective credit |
Standard Level |
6 or 7 |
0 |
Meets Entry Level Writing Reqt (ELWR) |
0 units |
Note: same subject area as AP English |
AP Environmental Science
AP Environmental Science
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Environmental Science |
3 |
4 |
Elective Credit Only |
Meets one of two courses required in Natural Science |
4 or 5 |
4 |
ESYS 10 |
Meets one of two courses required in Natural Science |
IB Film
IB Film
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Film |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
Meets Fine Arts requirement |
AP Language & Literature Other Than English/IB Linguistics Language A and Language B
AP Language Other Than English
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
French, German, Spanish, Italian
3 |
8 |
LIxx 1C/CX |
One course required to meet ERC Language Proficiency |
4 |
8 |
LIxx 1D/DX or LTxx 2A |
Meets ERC Language Proficiency requirement | |
5 |
8 |
LTxx 2B |
Meets ERC Language Proficiency requirement | |
Chinese |
3, 4, 5 |
8 |
See Chinese Studies Department for Placement |
Score of 4 or 5 meets ERC Language Proficiency requirement |
Japanese |
3, 4, 5 |
8 |
See Japanese Studies Department for Placement | Score of 4 or 5 meets ERC Language Proficiency requirement |
Note: same subject area as IB Linguistics - Language A exams |
AP Literature Other Than English
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
3 |
8 |
Meets ERC Language Proficiency requirement |
4 |
8 |
Meets ERC Language Proficiency requirement | |
5 |
8 |
Meets ERC Language Proficiency requirement | |
Note: same subject area as IB Linguistics - Language A exams |
IB Linguistics - Language A exams
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Linguistics Language A |
5 |
8 |
LIxx 1C/CX |
One course required to meet ERC Language Proficiency |
6 or 7 |
8 |
LIxx 1D/DX |
Score of 6 or 7 meets ERC Language Proficiency requirement | |
Note: same subject area as AP Language/Literature Other Than English |
IB Language B exams
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Language B |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
Elective Credit Only |
Note: AP language exams are more advanced than Language B; no credit for Language B when same language is taken in AP |
AP Government and Politics/IB Global Politics
AP Government and Politics
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Comparative |
3 or 4 | 4 |
Elective Credit Only |
4 units of elective credit |
5 | 4 |
POLI 11 |
4 units of elective credit |
Note: same subject area as IB Global Politics |
United States | 3 or 4 | 4 | Satisfies the American History & Institutions (AHI) requirement | 4 units of elective credit |
5 | 4 | POLI 10; Satisfies the American History & Institutions (AHI) requirement | 4 units of elective credit |
IB Global Politics
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Global Politics |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
8 units of elective credit |
Note: same subject area as AP Comparative Politics |
AP/IB History
AP History
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
European History |
3, 4, 5 | 8 |
Elective Credit Only |
May apply as one lower division course to Regional Specialization - Europe |
Note: same subject area as IB History of Europe and the Middle East + IB History of Europe and the Islamic World |
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
United States History |
3, 4, 5 | 8 |
Two quarters of U.S. History; may take HILD 2A, 2B, or 2C; |
8 units of elective credit |
Note: partially equivalent to IB History of the Americas (4 units awarded when both are taken) |
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
World History |
3, 4, 5 | 8 |
Elective Credit Only |
8 units of elective credit |
Note: same subject area as IB Twentieth-Century World History |
IB History
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
History of Europe & the Middle East |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
8 units of elective credit |
History of Europe and the Islamic World |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
8 units of elective credit |
Note: same subject areas as AP European History |
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
History of the Americas |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
Exempts two quarters US History. May take HILD 2A, 2B, or 2C to complete sequence. |
8 units of elective credit |
Note: partially equivalent to AP US History (4 units awarded when both are taken) |
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Twentieth-Century World History | 5, 6, 7 | 8 | Elective Credit Only | 8 units of elective credit |
Note: same subject area as AP World History |
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
History of Africa |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
May apply as one lower division course to Regional Specialization: Africa |
History of Asia and Oceania |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
May apply as one lower division course to Regional Specialization: Asia |
AP Human Geography/IB Geography
AP Human Geography
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Human Geography |
3, 4, 5 | 4 |
Elective Credit Only |
4 units of elective credit |
Note: same subject area as IB Geography |
IB Geography
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Geography |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
8 units of elective credit |
Note: same subject area as AP Human Geography |
AP/IB Latin
AP Latin
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Latin |
3, 4, 5 | 8 |
LTLA 1, 2, 3 |
Usually prepares student to take LTLA 100 to meet proficiency requirement |
Note: same subject areas as IB Latin |
IB Latin
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Latin |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
LTLA 1, 2, 3 |
Usually prepares student to take LTLA 100 to meet proficiency requirement |
Note: same subject area as AP Latin |
AP Music Theory/IB Music
AP Music Theory
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Music Theory |
3, 4, 5 | 8 |
Elective Credit Only |
Meets Fine Arts requirement |
Note: same subject areas as IB Music |
IB Music
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Music |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
Meets Fine Arts requirement |
Note: same subject area as AP Music Theory |
IB Philosophy
IB Philosophy
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Philosophy |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
8 units of elective credit |
AP/IB Physics
AP Physics
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Physics 1 or 2 |
3, 4, 5 | 8 |
Elective credit, and exempts PHYS 10 |
1 or 2 exam meets Natural Science requirement |
Physics C Mechanics | 3 | 4 |
Meets one of two-course requirement in Natural Science |
4 or 5 | 4 |
PHYS 1A or 2A |
Meets one of two-course requirement in Natural Science |
Physics C Electricity | 3 | 4 |
Meets one of two-course requirement in Natural Science |
4 or 5 | 4 |
PHYS 1B or 2B |
Meets one of two-course requirement in Natural Science |
(8-unit max. for three tests) Note: same subject area as IB Physics |
IB Physics
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Physics |
5 |
8 |
PHYS 10 or 11 |
Meets two-course requirement in Natural Science |
6 |
8 |
PHYS 1A, 1B |
7 |
8 |
PHYS 2A, 2B |
Note: same subject area as AP Physics |
AP/IB Psychology
AP Psychology
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Psychology |
3 | 4 |
Elective Credit Only |
4 units of elective credit |
4 or 5 | 4 |
PSYC 1 |
4 units of elective credit |
Note: same subject areas as IB Psychology |
IB Psychology
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Psychology |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
PSYC 1 |
8 units of elective credit |
Note: same subject area as AP Psychology |
AP Research
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Research |
3, 4, 5 | 0 |
Not eligible for credit |
Score of 3, 4 or 5 fulfills Entry Level Writing Requirement |
AP Seminar
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Seminar |
3, 4, 5 | 0 |
Not eligible for credit |
Score of 3, 4 or 5 fulfills Entry Level Writing Requirement |
AP Statistics
AP Statistics
AP Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Statistics |
3, 4, 5 | 4 |
Elective Credit Only |
Meets one of two courses required in Quantitative/Formal Skills |
IB Theatre Arts
IB Theatre Arts
IB Exam |
Score |
Units |
UCSD Course Exemptions |
ERC General Education |
Theatre Arts |
5, 6, 7 |
8 |
Elective Credit Only |
Meets Fine Arts requirement |
In order for you to receive UC San Diego credit for your advanced work, the UC San Diego Office of Admissions must receive official scores directly from the testing agency.
Request Advanced Placement (AP) Scores
You should have designated the institution to which your grade reports should be sent to on your answer sheets or on subsequent grade report requests. Be sure to verify UC San Diego (school code 004836) is the designated recipient of AP scores as there are several universities in San Diego.
Request International Baccalaureate (IB) Scores
In order to complete the request form, you may need some of the following information:
University of California, San Diego
Office of Admissions
9500 Gilman Dr. # 0021
La Jolla, CA 92093-0021
United States