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Eleanor Roosevelt College Eleanor Roosevelt College

Regional Specialization


Courses must focus on the countries of the European Continent including the European Union, Scandinavian countries, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and Russia.

  • Students entering as freshman must take 3 courses, of which 2 are UPPER DIVISION courses (#100-199).
  • Students entering as transfers must take 2 UPPER DIVISION courses (#100-199).
  • Language courses may not count for both language requirement and regional specialization.
  • Students must take ALL courses from the SAME region.
  • Only ONE course can be taken P/NP.
  • Qualifying AP credits for Regional Specialization counts as the one allowable lower-division requirement. It does not count as the one allowable P/NP course.
  • See General Catalog for complete course descriptions and pre-requisites:
  • Students may overlap their Regional Specialization requirement with the Upper-Division Writing requirement. Please see Approved Courses for Upper-Division Writing to determine which classes are eligible for overlap. 

(^) Must take at least TWO UPPER DIVISION courses to satisfy the Regional Specialization requirement
(#) Courses taught in native language, not English.
(*) May be used for Regional Specialization OR Fine Art requirement, NOT BOTH


Course Number

Course Title

ANAR 135S Ancient Mediterranean Civilization


Course Number

Course Title

COMM 104E Comparative Media Systems: Europe

Classical Studies

Course Number

Course Title

CLAS 109 Greek Seminar
CLAS 110 Latin Seminar 4


Course Number

Course Title

HIEU 102 Roman History
HIEU 102A Ancient Roman Civilization
HIEU 103 Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
HIEU 104 Byzantine Empire
HIEU 105S Devotions, Doctrines, and Divisions: Religion in Early Modern European Society
HIEU 106 Egypt, Greece and Rome
HIEU 107 Pagan Europe and its Christian Aftermath (cross-listed with RELI 147)
HIUE 108 Sex & Politics/Ancient World
HIEU 109 Blood, Soil, Boundaries: Nationalism in Europe
HIEU 111 Europe in the Middle Ages
HIEU 112S Ancient Explorers
HIEU 113 The History of the Russian Emprire, 1775-1917
HIEU 114 The History of the Soviet Union and Russia, 1917 to the Present 
HIEU 115 The Pursuit of the Millennium
HIEU 116A Greek & the Balkans, Ottoman Expansion
HIEU 116B Greece and the Balkans in the Age of Nationalism
HIEU 116C Greece and the Balkans during the Twentieth Century
HIEU 116CD Greece and the Balkans during the 20th Century
HIEU 117A Greece & the Balkans, Age of Nationalism
HIEU 117B Greece & the Balkans - 20th Century
HIEU 118 Americanization in Europe
HIEU 119 Death and Afterlife in the Middle Ages
HIEU 120 The Renaissance in Italy
HIEU 122 Ancient Greece in the Archaic Period
HIEU 123 Ancient Greece in the Classical Period
HIEU 124 The Age of Alexander: Hellenistic History from Alexander the Great to Cleopatra
HIEU 125 Reformation Europe
HIEU 128 Europe since 1945
HIEU 129 Paris, Past and Present
HIEU 130 Europe in the Eighteenth Century
HIEU 131 The French Revolution: 1789-1814
HIEU 132 The Spanish Civil War
HIEU 134 The Formation of the Russian Empire 800-1855
HIEU 135 Sun, Sea, Sand and Sex: Tourism and Tourists in the Contemporary World
HIEU 136B Europe Society & Social Thought 1870 - 1989
HIEU 137 History of Colonialism: From New Imperialism to Decolonization
HIEU 138 Imperial Spain, 1476–1808

HIEU 139

Sex and Gender from the Renaissance to the French Revolution
HIEU 140 History of Women and Gender in Europe: From the French Revolution to the Present
HIEU 141 European Diplomatic History, 1870-1945
HIEU 142 European Intellectual History, 1780-1870
HIEU 143 European Intellectual History, 1870-1945
HIEU 144 Topics in European History
HIEU 145 The Holocaust as Public History
HIEU 146 Fascism, Communism and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy: Europe 1919-1945
HIEU 146S The Meaning of Life in the Modern World: Existentialism, Fascism, and Genocide
HIEU 147 Europe and the World I, 1808-1918
HIEU 148 Europe and the World II, 1918-present
HIEU 149 Land of Three Faiths: Jews, Muslims, and Christians in Medieval Spain and Portugal
HIEU 150 Modern British History
HIEU 151 Spain Since 1808
HIEU 152 The Worst of Times: Everyday Life in Authoritarian and Dictatorial Societies
HIEU 153 Topics in Modern European History

HIEU 154


Modern Germany History: From Bismarck to Hitler

HIEU 154 Foreign Language Section (Must be enrolled in HIEU 154)

HIEU 158 Why Hitler? How Auschwitz?
HIEU 159 Three Centuries of Zionism
HIEU 159S Three Centuries of Zionism 1648–1948
HIEU 160 Topics in Ancient Greek History
HIEU 161 Topics in Roman History
HIEU 162 Topics in Byzantine History
HIEU 163 Special Topics in Medieval History
HIEU 164 Special Topics in Early Modern Europe
HIEU 166 Living on the Edge: Mediterranean Environmental History
HIEU 167 Special Topics in the Social History of Early Modern Europe
HIEU 171 Special Topics in 20th-Century Europe
HIEU 172 Comparative European Fascism
HIEU 174 The Holocaust: A Psychological Approach
HIEU 176 Politics in the Jewish Past
HIEU 178 Soviet History
HIEU 181 Immigration, Ethnicity, & Identification in Contemporary European Society
(Will not receive credit for both HIEU181 & ERC 101)
HIEU 182 The Muslim Experience in Contemporary European Society
HIEU 183 Social History & Anthropology/Mediterranean
HIEU 184 Yugoslavia: Before, During, & After
HIEU 198 Directed Group Study
HIEU 199 Independent Study in European History
HIGL 101

Jews, Christians, and Muslims

HIGL 127

Sport in the Modern World

HISC 106 The Scientific Revolution
HISC 107 The Emergence of Modern Science
HISC 109 Invention of Tropical Disease
HITO 107 Holocaust Video Production
HITO 134 International Law: War Crimes and Genocide


Course Number

Course Title

LIGN 143 The Structure of Spanish


Course Number

Course Title

^LTEN 21 Introduction to the Literature of the British Isles: Pre-1660
^LTEN 22 Introduction to the Literature of the British Isles: 1660-1832
^LTEN 23 Introduction to the Literature of the British: 1832-Present
LTEN 107 Chaucer
LTEN 110-144 Any LTEN course numbered 110-144
LTEU 100 Introduction to Italian Literature
LTEU 105 Medieval Studies
LTEU 109 Studies in 18th Century European Literature
LTEU 110 European Romanticism
LTEU 111 European Realism
LTEU 130 German Literature in Translation
LTEU 137 Seminars in German Culture
LTEU 140 Italian Literature in Translation
LTEU 141 French Literature in English Translation
LTEU 146 Studies in Modern Italian Prose
LTEU 150A Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation 1800-1860
LTEU 150B Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation 1860-1917
LTEU 150C Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation 1917-Present
LTEU 154 Russian Culture
LTEU 158 Single Author in Russian Literature in Translation
^#LTFR 2A Intermediate French I
^#LTFR 2B Intermediate French II
^#LTFR 2C Intermediate French III: Comp./Cultural Topics
#LTFR 104 Advanced French Reading and Writing 
#LTFR 115 Themes in Intellectual & Literacy History
#LTFR 116 Themes in Intellectual & Literary History
#LTFR 121 The Middle Ages & The Renaissance
#LTFR 122 Topics in Seventeenth-Century French Literature
#LTFR 123 Eighteenth Century
#LTFR 124 Nineteenth Century
#LTFR 125 Twentieth Century
#LTFR 141 Topics in Literatures in French
#LTFR 142 Topics in Literary Genres in French
#LTFR 143 Topics in Major Authors in French
#LTFR 164 Topics in Modern French Culture
#LTGK 101 Greek Composition
#LTGK 102 Greek Poetry
#LTGK 103 Greek Drama
#LTGK 104 Greek Prose
#LTGK 105 Topics in Greek Literature
^#LTGM 2A Intermediate German I
^#LTGM 2B Intermediate German II
^#LTGM 2C Intermediate German III
#LTGM 100 German Studies I: Aesthetic Cultures
#LTGM 101 German Studies II: National Identities
#LTGM 130 German Literary Prose
#LTGM 132 German Poetry
#LTGM 134 New German Cinema
#LTGM 190 Seminars in German Culture
#LTLA 100 Introduction to Latin Literature
#LTLA 102 Latin Poetry
#LTLA 103 Latin Drama
#LTLA 104 Latin Prose
#LTLA 105 Topics in Latin Literature
^#LTIT 2A Intermediate Italian I
^#LTIT 2B Intermediate Italian II
^#LTIT 12AR Italian for Spanish Speakers I
^#LTIT 12BR Italian for Spanish Speakers II
^#LTIT 50 Advanced Italian
#LTIT 100 Introduction to Literatures in Italian
#LTIT 115 Medieval Studies
#LTIT 122 Studies in Modern Italian Culture
#LTIT 137 Studies in Modern Italian Prose
#LTIT 161 Advanced Stylistics and Conversation
^#LTRU2A-B Second Year Russian
#LTRU 104A Advanced Practicum in Russian
#LTRU 104B Advanced Practicum in Russian: Analysis of Text and Film
#LTRU 104C Advanced Practicum in Russian
#LTRU 110A Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation 1800-1860
#LTRU 110B Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation 1860-1917
#LTRU 110C Survey of Russian and Soviet Literature in Translation 1917-present
#LTRU 123 Single Author in Russian Literature in Translation
#LTRU 150 Russian Culture
^#LTSP2A Intermediate Spanish I
^#LTSP 2B Intermediate Spanish II
^#LTSP 2C Intermediate Spanish III
^#LTSP 2D Intermediate Spanish I: Spanish for Bilingual Speakers
^#LTSP 2E Intermediate Spanish II: Spanish for Bilingual Speakers
#LTSP 100A Advanced Spanish Reading and Writing for the Humanities and the Social Sciences
#LTSP 100B Advanced Spanish Reading and Writing for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (heritage speakers) 
#LTSP 101 Major Works of the Middle Ages
#LTSP 116 Representations of Spanish Colonialism
#LTSP 123 Topics in Modern Spanish Culture
^LTWL 19A-B-C Intro to the Ancient Greeks & Romans
LTWL 106 The Classical Tradition
LTWL 158A Topics in the New Testament (Focus on Greco-Roman Culture)


Course Number

Course Title

*^MUS 4

Intro to Western Music

*^MUS 9


*^MUS 18

Klezmer Music

*MUS 112

Topics in European Music Before 1750

*MUS 120A

History of Music in Western Culture 1

*MUS 120B

History of Music in Western Culture 2

*MUS 120C

History of Music in Western Culture 3


Course Number

Course Title

^PHIL 31 Introduction to Ancient Philosophy
^PHIL 32 Philosophy and the Rise of Modern Science
^PHIL 33 Philosophy between Reason and Despair
PHIL 100 Plato
PHIL 101 Aristotle
PHIL 102 Hellenistic Philosophy
PHIL 105 Topics in Early Modern Philosophy
PHIL 106 Kant
PHIL 107 Hegel
PHIL 108 Nineteenth-Century Philosophy
PHIL 109 History of Analytic Philosophy
PHIL 110 History of Philosophy: Ancient
PHIL 111 History of Philosophy: Early Modern
PHIL 112 History of Philosophy: Late Modern
PHIL 166 Classics in Political Philosophy
PHIL 180 Phenomenology
PHIL 181 Existentialism

Political Science

Course Number

Course Title

POLI 110A Citizens & Saints: Political Thought from Plato
to Augustine
POLI 110B Sovereigns, Subjects, & the Modern State:
Political Thought from Machiavelli to Rousseau
POLI 110C Revolution and Reaction: Political Thought
From Kant to Nietzsche
POLI 110DA  Freedom and Discipline: Political Thought in the Twentieth Century
POLI 114B Marxist Political Thought
POLI 120A Political Development of Western Europe
POLI 120B The German Political System
POLI 120C Politics in France
POLI 120D German: Before, During, and After Division
POLI 120E Scandinavian Politics
POLI 120F Europe as a Political Model
POLI 120G British Politics
POLI 120H European Integration
POLI 120I Politics in Italy
POLI 120J Politics and Revolution I: The Politics of the French Revolution
POLI 123 Politics of Empire in Comparative Perspective
POLI 126AA Fundamentals of Political Economy: Modern
POLI 126AB Politics & Economics in Eastern Europe
POLI 130AA The Soviet Successor States
POLI 130AD The Politics of the Russian Revolution
POLI 147B Russian-American Relations
POLI 153 The European Union in World Politics

Study of Religion

Course Number

Course Title

RELI 147 Pagan Europe and Its Christian Aftermath


Course Number

Course Title

SOCI 106M Holocaust Diaries
SOCI 136E Sociology of Mental Illness: A Historical Approach
SOCI 168 Marxism 
SOCI 178 The Holocaust
SOCI 188F Modern Jewish Societies and Israeli Society

Theatre & Dance

Course Number

Course Title

*TDAC 104 Classical Text
*TDAC 105 Rehearsing Shakespeare
*TDAC 106 Chekhov Acting
*TDHT 104 Italian Comedy
*TDHT 105 French Comedy

Visual Arts

Course Number

Course Title

*^VIS 20 Intro to Art History
*VIS 120A Greek Art
*VIS 120B Roman Art
*VIS 120C Late Antique Art
*VIS 121AN Art and Experience in the Middle Ages
*VIS 121B Church and Mosque: Medieval Art and Architecture between Christianity and Islam
*VIS 121C Art and the Bible in the Middle Ages: Sign and Design
*VIS 121H Medieval Multiculturalism
*VIS 122AN Renaissance Art
*VIS 122B Baroque: Painters, Sculptors, Architects
*VIS 122CN Leonardo do Vinci in Context
*VIS 122D Michelangelo
*VIS 122F Leonardo’s La Gioconda
*VIS 123AN Between Spirit and Flesh
*VIS 124BN Art and the Enlightenment
*VIS 124CN Nineteenth Century Art
*VIS 124D Paris, Capital of the Nineteenth Century
*VIS 124E The Production of Nature
*VIS 124F Art in the Age of Revolutions
*VIS 124G Art and Modernity
*VIS 125C Modern Art in the West, 1850 - 1950
*VIS 125A Twentieth-Century Art
*VIS 125DN Marcel Duchamp
Last Updated: 1/3/25