Course Number
Course Title
HIEU 102 |
Roman History |
HIEU 102A |
Ancient Roman Civilization |
HIEU 103 |
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire |
HIEU 104 |
Byzantine Empire |
HIEU 105S |
Devotions, Doctrines, and Divisions: Religion in Early Modern European Society |
HIEU 106 |
Egypt, Greece and Rome |
HIEU 107 |
Pagan Europe and its Christian Aftermath (cross-listed with RELI 147) |
HIUE 108 |
Sex & Politics/Ancient World |
HIEU 109 |
Blood, Soil, Boundaries: Nationalism in Europe |
HIEU 111 |
Europe in the Middle Ages |
HIEU 112S |
Ancient Explorers |
HIEU 113 |
The History of the Russian Emprire, 1775-1917 |
HIEU 114 |
The History of the Soviet Union and Russia, 1917 to the Present |
HIEU 115 |
The Pursuit of the Millennium |
HIEU 116A |
Greek & the Balkans, Ottoman Expansion |
HIEU 116B |
Greece and the Balkans in the Age of Nationalism |
HIEU 116C |
Greece and the Balkans during the Twentieth Century |
HIEU 116CD |
Greece and the Balkans during the 20th Century |
HIEU 117A |
Greece & the Balkans, Age of Nationalism |
HIEU 117B |
Greece & the Balkans - 20th Century |
HIEU 118 |
Americanization in Europe |
HIEU 119 |
Death and Afterlife in the Middle Ages |
HIEU 120 |
The Renaissance in Italy |
HIEU 122 |
Ancient Greece in the Archaic Period |
HIEU 123 |
Ancient Greece in the Classical Period |
HIEU 124 |
The Age of Alexander: Hellenistic History from Alexander the Great to Cleopatra |
HIEU 125 |
Reformation Europe |
HIEU 128 |
Europe since 1945 |
HIEU 129 |
Paris, Past and Present |
HIEU 130 |
Europe in the Eighteenth Century |
HIEU 131 |
The French Revolution: 1789-1814 |
HIEU 132 |
The Spanish Civil War |
HIEU 134 |
The Formation of the Russian Empire 800-1855 |
HIEU 135 |
Sun, Sea, Sand and Sex: Tourism and Tourists in the Contemporary World |
HIEU 136B |
Europe Society & Social Thought 1870 - 1989 |
HIEU 137 |
History of Colonialism: From New Imperialism to Decolonization |
HIEU 138 |
Imperial Spain, 1476–1808 |
HIEU 139
Sex and Gender from the Renaissance to the French Revolution |
HIEU 140 |
History of Women and Gender in Europe: From the French Revolution to the Present |
HIEU 141 |
European Diplomatic History, 1870-1945 |
HIEU 142 |
European Intellectual History, 1780-1870 |
HIEU 143 |
European Intellectual History, 1870-1945 |
HIEU 144 |
Topics in European History |
HIEU 145 |
The Holocaust as Public History |
HIEU 146 |
Fascism, Communism and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy: Europe 1919-1945 |
HIEU 146S |
The Meaning of Life in the Modern World: Existentialism, Fascism, and Genocide |
HIEU 147 |
Europe and the World I, 1808-1918 |
HIEU 148 |
Europe and the World II, 1918-present |
HIEU 149 |
Land of Three Faiths: Jews, Muslims, and Christians in Medieval Spain and Portugal |
HIEU 150 |
Modern British History |
HIEU 151 |
Spain Since 1808 |
HIEU 152 |
The Worst of Times: Everyday Life in Authoritarian and Dictatorial Societies |
HIEU 153 |
Topics in Modern European History |
HIEU 154
Modern Germany History: From Bismarck to Hitler
HIEU 154 Foreign Language Section (Must be enrolled in HIEU 154)
HIEU 158 |
Why Hitler? How Auschwitz? |
HIEU 159 |
Three Centuries of Zionism |
HIEU 159S |
Three Centuries of Zionism 1648–1948 |
HIEU 160 |
Topics in Ancient Greek History |
HIEU 161 |
Topics in Roman History |
HIEU 162 |
Topics in Byzantine History |
HIEU 163 |
Special Topics in Medieval History |
HIEU 164 |
Special Topics in Early Modern Europe |
HIEU 166 |
Living on the Edge: Mediterranean Environmental History |
HIEU 167 |
Special Topics in the Social History of Early Modern Europe |
HIEU 171 |
Special Topics in 20th-Century Europe |
HIEU 172 |
Comparative European Fascism |
HIEU 174 |
The Holocaust: A Psychological Approach |
HIEU 176 |
Politics in the Jewish Past |
HIEU 178 |
Soviet History |
HIEU 181 |
Immigration, Ethnicity, & Identification in Contemporary European Society (Will not receive credit for both HIEU181 & ERC 101) |
HIEU 182 |
The Muslim Experience in Contemporary European Society |
HIEU 183 |
Social History & Anthropology/Mediterranean |
HIEU 184 |
Yugoslavia: Before, During, & After |
HIEU 198 |
Directed Group Study |
HIEU 199 |
Independent Study in European History |
HIGL 101 |
Jews, Christians, and Muslims
HIGL 127 |
Sport in the Modern World
HISC 106 |
The Scientific Revolution |
HISC 107 |
The Emergence of Modern Science |
HISC 109 |
Invention of Tropical Disease |
HITO 107 |
Holocaust Video Production |
HITO 134 |
International Law: War Crimes and Genocide |