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Eleanor Roosevelt College Eleanor Roosevelt College

Upper-Division Writing GE Requirement

At least one upper-division course (numbered 100-199) in your academic program must include a significant writing component in English to complete the ERC Upper-Division Writing GE requirement.

  • See General Catalog for complete course descriptions and pre-requisites:
  • This one course requirement may be taken for letter or P/NP grade*.
  • Students may overlap this requirement with any requirement. See Overlap Policies.
  • Course may overlap with Regional Specialization if course is within selected region
  • For students who do not complete an approved Upper-Division Writing course from the list below, they may petition coursework for consideration to clear the requirement. Review the Upper-Division Writing GE area for more information

(*) Eligible course for Regional Specialization OR Fine Art requirement, NOT BOTH
(~) May overlap with Regional Specialization

Academic Internship Program

Course Number

Course Title

AIP 197 (4 units minimum)

Academic Internship Program


Course Number

Course Title

~ANAR 145S

Study Abroad: Egypt of the Pharaohs


Honors Studies in Anthropology


Honors Studies in Anthropology

ANSC 105/GLBH 105

Global Health and Inequality

ANSC 154

Gender and Religion

ANSC 159

The Anthropology of Marriage

ANTH 101

 Foundations of Social Complexity


Course Number

Course Title

BIEB 176

Biology of Conservation and the Human Predicament


Course Number

Course Title


Communication, Institutions, and Power


MMPP: Practicum in New Media and Community Life

COMM 146

Advanced Topics in Cultural Production

COMM 190

Junior Seminar in Communication

Cognitive Science

Course Number

Course Title


Pre-Honors Project in Cognitive Science

Critical Gender Studies

Course Number

Course Title

CGS 101 Gender and Globalization

Dimensions of Culture

Course Number

Course Title

~DOC 100D Dimensions of Culture: Promises and Contradictions in US Culture


Course Number

Course Title

ECON 159

Economic History of the United States II

(cross-listed: HIUS 141)


Senior Essay Seminar

Education Studies

Course Number

Course Title

~EDS 117

Language, Culture, and Education

(cross-listed: SOCI 117)

~EDS 125

History, Politics, and Theory of Bilingual Education

~EDS 130

Introduction to Academic Mentoring of Elementary/School Students

~EDS 131

Early Childhood Development and Education

~EDS 136

Introduction to Academic Tutoring of Secondary School Students

~EDS 137

Introduction to Discipline-Specific Teaching and Learning

~EDS 138

Introduction to Academic Tutoring at Charter Schools

EDS 140

Introduction to Action Research in Pre-K–12 Education

EDS 141

Action Research in Pre-K–12 Education: Advanced Practicum in Pre-K–12 Schools and Communities

Environmental Systems

Course Number

Course Title

ESYS 103

Environmental Challenges: Science and Solutions

(cross-listed: MAE 124)


Environmental Systems Senior Seminar

Ethnic Studies

Course Number

Course Title


Ethnic Studies: Theoretical Approaches
ETHN 100B Interdisciplinary Methodologies
ETHN 100C Social Justice Praxis

ETHN 105

Ethnic Diversity and the City

~ETHN 124

Asian American Literature

(cross-listed: LTEN 181)

~ETHN 125/125R

Asian American History

(cross-listed: HIUS 124)

ETHN 128

Hip-Hop: The Politics of Culture

(cross-listed: MUS 152)

~*ETHN 178

Blues: An Oral Tradition

(Cross-listed: MUS 126)

~*ETHN 179

Discover Jazz

(cross-listed: MUS 127)

Global Health

Course Number

Course Title

GLBH 148 Global Health and Cultural Diversity

Human Development Program

Course Number

Course Title

HDS 191

(Renumbered from HDP 191)

Field Research in Human Development

HDS 193

(Renumbered from HDP 193)

Advanced Research in Human Developmental Sciences

HDS 194A-B-C

(Renumbered from HDP 194A-B-C)

Honors Thesis in Human Developmental Sciences


Course Number

Course Title

~HIAF 112 West Africa since 1880
~HIEA 112 Japan: From the Mid-Nineteenth Century through the US Occupation
~HIEA 113 The Fifteen-Year War in Asia and the Pacific
~HIEA 122  Late Imperial Chinese Culture and Society
~HIEA 129 Faces of the Chinese Past
~HIEA 132 Mao's China, 1949-1976
~HIEA 137 Women and the Family in Chinese History
~HIEA 138 Women and the Chinese Revolution
~HIEA 149 Land of Three Faiths: Jews, Muslims, and Christians in Medieval Spain and Portugal
~HIEA 150 Modern Korea, 1800–1945
~HIEA 164 Seminar in Late Imperial Chinese History
~HIEU 105 Devotions, Doctrines, and Divisions: Religion in Early Modern European Society
~HIEU 111 Europe in the Middle Ages
~HIEU 122 Ancient Greece from the Bronze Age to the Peloponnesian War
~HIEU 128 Europe since 1945
~HIEU 129 Paris, Past and Present
~HIEU 130 Europe in the Eighteenth Century
~HIEU 134 The Formation of the Russian Empire, 800–1855
~HIEU 142 European Intellectual History, 1780–1870
~HIEU 144 Topics in European History
~HIEU 145 The Holocaust as Public History
~HIEU 146 Fascism, Communism, and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy: Europe 1919–1945
~HIEU 149 Land of Three Faiths: Jews, Muslims, and Christians in Medieval Spain and Portugal
~HIEU 151 Spain since 1808
~HIEU 154 Modern German History: From Bismarck to Hitler
~HIEU 158 Why Hitler? How Auschwitz?
~HILA 101 Nation-State Formation, Ethnicity, and Violence in Latin America
HILA 118 Subverting Sovereignty: US Aggression in Latin America, 1898–Present
~HILA 122 Cuba: From Colony to Socialist Republic
~HILA 131 A History of Mexico
~HILA 132 Modern Mexico: From Revolution to Drug War Violence
~HINE 116 Devotions, Doctrines, and Divisions: Religion in Early Modern European Society
~HINE 170 Special Topics in Jewish History
~HISC 107 The Emergence of Modern Science
HISC 115 History of Modern Medicine

~HIUS 124

Asian American History

(cross-listed: ETHN 125)

HIUS 133 The Golden Age of Piracy

HIUS 141

Economic History of the United States II

(cross-listed: ECON 159)

~HIUS 146 Race, Riots, and Violence in the U.S
~HIUS 155 From Zoot Suits to Hip-Hop: Race and Popular Culture since World War II
HITO 105 Jewish Modernity from 1648-1948

Human Rights

Course Number

Course Title

HMNR 101 Human Rights II: Contemporary Issues

International Studies Program

Course Number

Course Title

INTL 100 Analysis, Argument, and Real-World Problems
INTL 190 Seminar in International Studies
INTL 190H Honors Seminar in International Studies
INTL 196H International Studies Honors Program

Japanese Studies

Course Number

Course Title

JAPN 190 Selected Topics in Contemporary Japanese Studies

Latin American Studies

Course Number

Course Title

~LATI 190 Latin American Studies Senior Seminar

Law and Society

Course Number

Course Title

LAWS 101 Contemporary Legal Issues


Course Number

Course Title

LIGN 155 Evolution of Language
LIGN 179 Second Language Acquisition Research
LIGN 180 Language Representation in the Brain
LIGN 181 Language Processing in the Brain


Course Number

Course Title

~LTEA 110B Modern Chinese Fiction in Translation
*~LTEA 120B Taiwan Films
~LTEA 140 Modern Korean Literature in Translation from Colonial Period
LTEN 100-199 Refer to Course Catalog for Courses 
LTLA 100 Intro to Latin Literature
#~LTRU 123 Single Author in Russian Literature in Translation
LTWL 100-199 Refer to Course Catalog for Courses 
LTWR 126 Creative Nonfiction Workshop


Course Number

Course Title

MATH 163 History of Mathematics

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Course Number

Course Title

MAE 124

Environmental Challenges: Science and Solutions

(cross-listed: ESYS 103)


Course Number

Course Title

MUS 107 Critical Studies Seminar
MUS 113 Topics in Classic, Romantic, and Modern Music
MUS 114 Music of the Twentieth Century

~*MUS 126

Blues: An Oral Tradition

(cross-listed: ETHN 178)

~*MUS 127 (formerly MUS 127B)

Discover Jazz

(cross-listed: ETHN 179)

MUS 152

Hip Hop: The Politics of Culture

(cross-listed: ETHN 128) 

MUS 199 Independent Study

Making of the Modern World

Course Number

Course Title

MMW 121* Exploring the Premodern World
MMW 122* Exploring the Modern World

*Open to transfer students only. MMW must be taken for a letter grade.


Course Number

Course Title

~PHIL 100 Plato 
~PHIL 101 Aristotle 
~PHIL 102 Hellenistic Philosophy
PHIL 108 Nineteenth-Century Philosophy
PHIL 109  History of Analytic Philosophy
~PHIL 110 History of Philosophy: Ancient 
~PHIL 111 History of Philosophy: Early Modern 
PHIL 123 Philosophy of Logic
PHIL 124 Philosophy of Mathematics
PHIL 130 Metaphysics
PHIL 131 Topics in Metaphysics
PHIL 132 Epistemology
PHIL 134 Philosophy of Language
PHIL 136 Philosophy of Mind
PHIL 137 Moral Psychology
PHIL 145 Philosophy of Science
PHIL 146 Philosophy of Physics
PHIL 150 Philosophy of the Cognitive Sciences
PHIL 155 Mexican Philosophy
PHIL 161 Topics in the History of Ethics
PHIL 163 Biomedical Ethics
PHIL 167 Contemporary Political Philosophy
PHIL 168 Philosophy of Law
PHIL 185 Philosophy of Religion

Political Science

Course Number

Course Title

POLI 100M Political Psychology
~POLI 100O Perspectives on Race
POLI 102C American Political Development
POLI 104L  Positive Political Theory of Law
~POLI 110B Sovereigns, Subjects, and the Modern State: Political Thought from Machiavelli to Rousseau
POLI 110K Libery and Equality 
POLI 110T Modern Political Ideologies
~POLI 113A East Asian Thought in Comparative Perspective
~POLI 114B Marxist Political Thought
~POLI 120A Political Development of Western Europe
~POLI 120H European Integration
POLI 122 Politics of Human Rights
POLI 125B Politics of Food/Global Economy
~POLI 133A Japanese Politics: A Developmental Perspective
POLI 138D Special Topics in Comparative Politics
POLI 142J  National Security Strategy
POLI 142K Politics and Warfare
POLI 145C International Relations After the Cold War: Theory and Prospect
POLI 149 Spies, Intelligence, and US National Security
POLI 150A Politics of Immigration
POLI 191A Senior Honors Seminar: Frontiers of Political Science
POLI 194  Research Seminar in Washington, DC


Course Number

Course Title

PSYC 139 The Social Psychology of Sport
PSYC 141 Evolution and Human Nature
PSYC 168  Psychological Disorders of Childhood

Religious Studies

Course Number

Course Title

RELI 110B The Modern Study of Religion: Social and Cultural Theories of Religion


Course Number

Course Title

SOCI 100 Classical Sociological Theory
SOCI 102 Network Data and Methods
~SOCI 117

Language, Culture, and Education

(cross-listed: EDS 117)

SOCI 131 Sociology of Youth
SOCI 133 Immigration in Comparative Perspective
SOCI 142 Social Deviance
SOCI 148 Political Sociology 
SOCI 160 Sociology of Culture 
SOCI 163 Migration and the Law 
SOCI 167 Science and War 
SOCI 171 Technology and Science 
~SOCI 176 Transnational Japan Research Practicum
~SOCI 178 The Holocaust
SOCI 184 Gender and Film 
~SOCI 188E Community and Social Change in Africa
SOCI 196A Honors Seminar: Advanced Studies in Sociology 
SOCI 196B Honors Seminar: Supervised Thesis Reseach 

Theater and Dance

Course Number

Course Title

TDGE 126 Storytelling and Design in Animation
TDGE 196A Honors Study in Theatre and Dance 
TDHT 103 Asian American Theatre
~TDHT 109 African American Theatre
TDHT 114 American Musical Theatre 
TDHT 115 History and Theory of Directing

Urban Studies & Planning

Course Number

Course Title

USP 137 Housing and Community Development Policy and Practice
USP 143 The US Health-Care System
USP 144 Enironmental and Preventive Health Issues
USP 173 History of Urban Planning and Design

Visual Arts

Course Number

Course Title

VIS 117E Problems in Ethnoaesthetics
VIS 117G Critical Theory and Visual Practice
VIS 117I Western and Non-Western Rituals and Ceremonies
*VIS 122F Leonardo’s La Gioconda
*VIS125DN Marcel Duchamp
~*VIS 126C Problems in Mesoamerican Art History
~VIS 126D Problems in Ancient Maya Iconography and Inscriptions
~*VIS 126I Southwest American Indian Art
~*VIS 127B Arts of China
~*VIS 127C Arts of Modern China
~*VIS 127D  Early Chinese Painting 
~*VIS 127E Later Chinese Painting
~VIS 127F Japanese Buddhist Art
~VIS 127GS Issues in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Art
~VIS 127Q Japanese Painting and Prints
VIS 129A Seminar in Art Criticism and Theory 
VIS 129B Seminar in Art Criticism and Theory 
VIS 129C Seminar in Art Criticism and Theory 
VIS 129D Seminar in Art Criticism and Theory 
VIS 129E Seminar in Art Criticism and Theory 
VIS 129F Seminar in Art Criticism and Theory 
VIS 129H  Art History Honors Directed Group Study
VIS 155 The Director Series
~VIS 158 Histories of Photography
Last Updated: 12/03/20