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Student Organization Registration Process 

Requirements for Eleanor Roosevelt College Student Organizations 

  • Student organizations must have a unique mission and focus different from that of campus-wide organizations.The mission and focus of the organization must clearly identify the benefit provided for ERC students.
  • Organizations must be independent organizations, not affiliated with a campus-wide student organization, club, or committee. (e.g. Student Organizations cannot be registered as student organization through the Center for Student Involvement).
  • Organizations cannot be a sports or recreational club and/or team.
  • Organizations must register on an annual basis.

 Membership Requirements 

  • Only currently enrolled UC San Diego undergraduate students may be members of Eleanor Roosevelt College student organizations.
  • Organizations must be open to all currently enrolled Eleanor Roosevelt College students.
  • Organization must have a minimum of 5 organization members.

Executive Board Requirements 

  • Organizations must have a minimum of 2 executive members being President and Financial Officer/Treasurer and a maximum of 7* executive members*If the organization would like more than 7 executive officers, the organization must get special permission from the Eleanor Roosevelt College Office of Student Affairs via their advisor.
  • At least 2/3 of executive board must be currently enrolled Eleanor Roosevelt College students or current Eleanor Roosevelt College residents who are currently enrolled UC San Diego undergraduate students.
  • Each organization must identify an Executive Board Member to serve as the primary contact for the student organization. This person will be responsible for keeping the organization accountable for following all college and university policies as well as the UC San Diego Principles of Community.
  • All student organization executive members must agree to and sign the Eleanor Roosevelt College Indemnification Agreement.
  • Executive members must meet regularly with a college-assigned advisor.
  • Every executive member must attend the Fall quarter student organization training.
  • Membership list, including name, PID number, UC San Diego email address, and college affiliation of each member, must be maintained by the executive board.

Outreach Criteria 

  • Programs, events, and meeting times must be advertised to the Eleanor Roosevelt College community.
  • Recruitment efforts should be primarily focused on the Eleanor Roosevelt College community.


How to Register a new Student Organization 

  • New Student Organizations can be registered from mid-Spring Quarter to week 2 of Fall quarter.
  • Complete the New Student Organization Registration Form
  • Upon approval of the new organization, you will be assigned an advisor. The student organization will be expected to adhere to the requirements listed above.


How to Re-Register Returning Student Orgs 

Returning organizations are those that have been approved as registered organizations in the academic year prior to registration.  

Registration Process 

  • Organization must have President and Financial Officer/Treasurer in place at the time of re-registration.
  • Organization must have a non-student, ERC staff or faculty advisor.
  • Complete the Student Organization Registration Form.
  • Submit an updated Constitution.
  • Submit an updated membership list.
  • The roster should include:
  • Name
  • Position
  • Year
  • UCSD Email
  • Phone Number
  • If approved, a confirmation email will be sent to the Executive Board Members of the organization. All organizations are required to adhere to the requirements listed above.