Terrence J. SejnowskiTerrence Sejnowski

Terrence J. Sejnowski, Professor and head of the Computational Neurobiology Laboratory, is a pioneer in the field of computational neuroscience. Dr. Sejnowski received his Ph.D. in physics from Princeton University. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University and the Harvard Medical School. He served on the faculty of Johns Hopkins University and was a Wiersma Visiting Professor of Neurobiology and a Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar at Caltech

"What Makes the Human Brain Human"

This lecture will share the remarkable progress in brain science which now provides us with the tools that we believe are crucial to uncovering the mystery of who we are. We can now eavesdrop on the brain's swirling activity with new methods ranging from arrays of tiny electrodes to brain-imagers that scan the activity of the living human brain. Although the human brain's computational power far exceeds the fastest computers ever built by humans, computers are getting exponentially faster and can be used to simulate the brain. Finally, molecular genetics is providing powerful tools for manipulating brain mechanisms. In this lecture we will take a journey to uncover the mystery of who we really are.